who doesn’t want a dinner conversation?

Last week, an article in the Herald Sun newspaper looked at the results of a survey showing family dinner time habits. I was amazed that 7 out of 10 familys don’t sit together to have dinner each night. At our house, our conversations usually turn into arguments over useless things. So my mate/colleague (his blog page here) and I,  have decided to find out more.

Please complete the survey HERE!

20 comments on “who doesn’t want a dinner conversation?Add yours →

  1. Looks good and its a great start to your blog. The survey you asked us to do was very good and I liked the background pictures.

    Good job
    Stephen Condie
    IT Manager

  2. A very important issue, it is really important to connect socially with family and friends and dinner time is the perfect time. It is also equally important to involve the whole family in planning and preparing dinner as well

  3. What great welcoming images in the back ground. Simple to navigate and an interesting topic. Hope my info helps. Well done!

  4. I was amazed that “7 out of 10 families don’t sit together to have dinner each night”.
    For me, some of the best, quality interaction with family happens at this time.
    Loved the survey and look forward to the results!

    Lucy Taylor
    Careers Practitioner

  5. This is a great discussion point for your blog! I find that sometimes dinnertime is the only time I get to sit with my family and have a thorough and thoughtful conversation with them. Thanks for making this survey available!

    Emma Lees
    Study Hall Tutor/Supervisor

  6. Great survey on an interesting topic. With more and more technology and devices I can see how conversations are becoming more rare. I personally have a conversation over dinner every night.

  7. Great short survey. It would have been good to include a few more choices, like “where does your family eat dinner”? Most families have a dining table, but sadly don’t eat around it as a family. Also would have been great to see how many people use their devices whilst at the table and how many use it as an opportunity to gather for a prayer of thanks for their meal and the day they’ had. Well done 👍🏻

  8. I always love a good dinner conversation, it’s really the only time we all catch up these days.

  9. Dear Jordan,
    I always love a good conversation at dinner, I also like how you presented a possible controversial topic, do you like conversations while eating dinner.

  10. It is sad to me that many families do not eat dinner together. My family and I eat dinner together every night. I cant even imagen

    1. i try to have dinner with my family as much as i can, but i cant always, which is a little sad for me, but when i do i make it worth it!

  11. I really liked your post and I was very surprised when you said that only 7 out of 10 families eat together. My family and I eat dinner together every night.

  12. I think this is a really cool topic. I think its really neat that your looking into this and taking a survey of everyone.


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